Helping You Get Started – The First Steps

“The first step is a step back.” Everyone in transition needs to stop, clarify their values, and identify what is really important to moving forward in their life.

One of the harsh realities of divorce is that most women will need to either re-enter the workforce or find a better paying job to support themselves. Even if you will be getting spousal support and/or child support, it may not or probably will not be enough to make ends meet.

A career can give you true independence for the first time, allowing you to control your own destiny and do what is meaningful to you. It can also give you a sense of purpose and security now that your marriage is over. Having a sense of purpose is an integral aspect of personal satisfaction and can shore up your self-esteem.

Vocational Services – Our Direction

The approach of career counselling varies, but it is very Interactive. The goal is to evaluate skills, learn how to improve skills, learn how to successfully search for jobs, and develop methods for effectively applying and interviewing for employment.

A Self-Assessment

  • We meet with you initially to examine all prior experiences; employment, job performance, education, training, volunteer roles, hobbies, interests, family and community responsibilities.
  • We will complete one or more assessments with you, which typically include aptitude, interest, cognitive ability tests and personality traits.
  • We will help you determine if additional training, education, or re-orientation (on the job training) is required and how it can be obtained as well as explore and narrow career options.
  • When your self-assessment is complete, you continue to work closely with the Vocational Specialist to begin exploring career options that match your profile.

Job Search Coaching

When you have identified a career target, job-search assistance is provided to help you gain autonomy and confidence with your return to work (resume preparation, labour market research and interview techniques).

Ongoing Support as Needed

Our counselling sessions are highly interactive and relationship based and our support to our clients is like a bottomless coffee cup.